Showing 1–10 of 114 results
“Quarters” of Migrant Laborers, Near Belle Glade, FL
Marion Post Wolcott
$2,500.00 -
A Dog’s Breakfast, from We’re Wolves
$1,750.00 -
Acto Primero (first act)
Manuel Alvarez Bravo
$7,500.00 -
An Old Binder and Four Horse Team Cutting Crested Wheat Grass, Judith Basin MT
Marion Post Wolcott
$1,500.00 -
Auribus Teneo Lupus, “To Hold A Wolf by Both Ears” (Damned if you do, damned if you don’t), from We’re Wolves
$1,750.00 -
Baptism in Triplett Creek, Primitive Baptist Church, Morehead, KY
Marion Post Wolcott
$3,000.00 -
Barn in Snowstorm near Windsor, VT
Marion Post Wolcott
$2,000.00 -
Boys Drying Off After Dip in Fountain by Union Station, Washington DC
Marion Post Wolcott
$1,500.00 -
Brighton Pier, Detail
Walker Evans
$6,500.00 -
Cashiers Paying Off Day Laborers, Marcella Plantation, Mileston, MS
Marion Post Wolcott